Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baking Fool

Since it is in the 90's, I thought now would be an excellent time to fire up the oven and bake. This way I get the entire house nice and toasty.

I wanted to bake something for all of the teachers and administrators that took care of the girl when she split her forehead open (which is healing nicely). I made two banana breads, cinnamon-blueberry muffins and two loaves of zucchini bread from the neighbors zucchini. My cousin came over for lunch and she was the guinea pig...I mean official taste tester on the zucchini bread. It was a new recipe. It came out a little denser than I like, so I don't think I will use this one again.


  1. Wow Bro, you really are a Renaissance man. No wonder that wife of yours married you. Glad girl is doing well.

  2. I wish your brother baked. He is my other guinea pig :).

  3. How come none these goodies make it to the office? Are they fuel for the long bike ride?

  4. What do you mean none of the baked goods make it into the office? I bake every Sunday and pack a bunch of goodies for the guys ;). On the next sweltering hot day, I will bake something for the office.
