Sunday, August 12, 2012

Who Needs To Go To The Gym?

Evidently, the dog feels I should be upping my daily amount of cardio (who am I to argue with a dog). He helps me get a cardio/step workout while I am cooking. When I am in the kitchen, Deacon insists on laying in the middle of the floor. This way, I have to step over him to get to the fridge, back to the stove and step over him again to get to the sink. The more I cook the more cardio. Deacon is ever hopeful that something will miraculously fall to the floor for him to eat. Since he is now weighing in at 63lbs with long, gangly legs I am going to have to start jumping farther to get meals made.


  1. Gretchen's weighing in at 63 pounds now too!
    Small world.

  2. Wow Gretch, you may want to lay off the pie or you will no longer be shopping in the girls section :).

  3. This is what I get for not checking the blog often enough ;-) or at least the comments. I promise to do better in the future.
