Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Night Time Visit

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Last night we were visited by a leprechaun named Rainier. The kids made a leprechaun trap to catch any night time visitors. I don't think the picture shows the entire trap. It had a staircase for the leprechaun to climb. It also had signs and arrows that directed him to the pot of gold. The signs said "especially for leprechauns", "there's gold" and "jump in" among other things. There was a fake pot of gold at the entrance to the trap and more fake jewels that sparkled in the trap.

We know he went into the trap, as he left little foot prints up the stairs and into the trap. Evidently, we got a clever leprechaun this year that managed to escape the trap with some help from our cat. Who knew our cat was so helpful! The leprechaun left the kids a note.

It said;

I'm a little leprechaun dressed in green
The tiniest man that you've ever seen
If you ever catch me, so its told
I'll have to give you my pot of gold
Your leprechaun trap was great
you caught me but being trapped wasn't my fate
Your cat helped get me out of the trap you set
So my gold you didn't get
The way you built your trap shows you are smart
So I left you a little something green, sweet and tart
See you next year my dear
The leprechaun named Ranier

He left the kids each a little bag of green candies.

He managed to do a few mischievous things while he was here last night.

He made the water in the flower vase turn green. The water in the toilets was green. And, to top it all off, the milk in the refrigerator was green. He was a very busy little green man.