Tuesday, June 21, 2011

For Auntie Spinstie

If you enlarge the picture you can see an elk lying down. This picture was taken by hubby about 20 feet away.  The girl and I passed by a bigger elk on our way to a ranger hike.  It was about 7 feet away from us before we noticed it.  This one the girl and I passed in the way back to our campsite.  The boys were headed down to meet us, so they had to go and see it.  Imagine, 2 elk in one day and no Auntie Spinstie around.  At least these elk didn't corner us for a half hour.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I've never seen one so small. Usually they're 20 feet tall, snarling, foaming at the mouth, stomping and red-eyed, right? Just like mountain goats ;-) Anyway, makes for a good campfire story.
