Sunday, May 26, 2013

Super Fun Saturday

The girl, boy and I ran a 5k on Saturday. It was the boy's first 5k. Unfortunately, hubby had to work, so he couldn't come. Maybe next time, we can all run as a family. On your mark, get set, go... The girl and boy at the starting line. Since there were close to 3,000 people running the race, it was a slow start. The girl has purple and green stripes in her hair and the boy has orange and red stripes. There was a booth area that was spraying temporary color on people's hair before the race. I love this 5k, it is so festive and family friendly.

The girl and her close friend K, before the race. Our group of girls decided to go with a "hula" theme for the race. It was very cute, seeing the girls and their families in the spirit of the race. There were a bunch of Dads and brothers wearing hula attire, with multicolored hair paint. The boy wore puca shells in homage to our hula spirit.

Relaxing at the end of the race. All of the kids did amazingly well. We had set up a breakfast buffet for them after the race, as it wasn't even 9:00 by the time they finished. They ate, fed the ducks and played by the lake.

The girl and her coach. The coach, K is amazing. She started the program at our school. The girl and she have become close over the last two years.

After the race was over, we went to the local farmers market to stock up. Since it is only a mile from our house, I suggested we take the dog and walk to it. That suggestion was vetoed. This is what happens when you teach children about democracy.

The girl right after she got her ears pierced. She was so happy! We made her wait until she went from single to double digits to get them pierced. She picked little emerald earrings, her birthstone.

Evidently, hubby is right and crazy does run in my family. I am sure glad it skipped a generation, going from their Great Aunt to my kids.

The girl blowing out a candle on her birthday ice cream. She wanted to go to her favorite restaurant for lunch after she go her ears pierced. Her Auntie joined us.

The boy and his friends on a spinning ride. Since those are the only types of rides I can't do, the kids of course love them. I am glad they are old enough to go on with their friends.

We ended the day with dinner at a local restaurant. I made the kids pick something healthy, to balance out all of the stuff they ate at the carnival. I know, eating out twice in one extravagant. Good thing the girl doesn't go from double to triple digits for another 90 years.

We were all worn out after dinner.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Pajama Day

There was a rally at school and the theme was pajama day. The boy's teacher had the idea for all of the boys to wear the same pajamas and the girls to wear the same pajamas. The boys teacher matched her pj's to the boys and the aide matched hers to the girls. All us parents thought it was a fun idea, so one of the Mom's took the initiative and ordered them all. The kids had a lot of fun, though I am not sure how much actual school work was accomplished.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nature Walk

Some friends and I take a hike a couple of times a week through the foothills behind the kids school. It is very convenient, we drop our kids at school and are walking in the hills in less than 2 minutes. As an added bonus, I get Deacon walked and he is worn out for the day. Normally, we see a turkey, quail or sometimes a rattle snake, but this week we saw some bigger animals. There are also mountain lions in these hills, but I hope I don't run into one again. Hubby and I accidentally walked up to one at the end of a hike in the hills behind these. I don't know if you can see them in this picture, but there is a black colored sow and her piglets foraging. I saw three piglets. Once my friend and I were half way along the trail, we heard another boar snorting down at the creek. We walked a little faster after that.

Three deer grazing by the creek.

Deacon noticing the deer. He wanted to go and play with them. Since people tell us all the time he has deer legs, he might have fit right in.

This Tom turkey had just been on the trail calling for his hen. When Deacon and I walked by him, we inadvertently flushed out a covey of quail.

I love spring!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Perfect 10!

Today my baby girl turns 10. How is that possible! She is a wonderful mix of adventurous Tom boy and fun loving girl. She is beautiful inside and out, smarter than I can ever hope to be and kind and loving. It seems like only yesterday that she looked like this. And now she looks like this. Happy Birthday baby girl. We love you!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Birthday Party

The girl turns 10 next week. I can't believe how time flies. To celebrate her birthday we told her she could invite 10 friends to her birthday party. She wanted to have it at a candle making store. She picked a rainbow theme for the party. I didn't take a picture of the favors, but they were all rainbow themed.

Darn you pintrest...before I found you life was so much simpler. I saw a post for Candy Bars on pintrest. I wanted to do a rainbow themed candy bar for the party.

To balance out the candy, I also did a rainbow fruit platter.

Group photo

While they were waiting for instructions on how to make a candle, the kids played telephone. I didn't realize they still played that game. I remember doing it at birthday parties when I was a kid. The plan originally was for the boy to be somewhere else during the party, but things come up and plans change. I have to say the girls were all very gracious and kind to the girl's little brother and made sure to include him in everything.

The three amigos

The kids making their individual candles. It was a fun process. The kids picked whatever colors and scent they wanted for the candle. They also got to add what they call "pips", which are wax colored shapes that would float on or in the candle. Once the kids had finished making the candles, they went to a wax station where either a clear or colored wax was poured on. The girls all chose glitter to add to the top of their candle. It was interesting to watch.

The boy's ocean themed candle with chocolate scent.

The girl's candle with very cherry scent

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pool Party

The boy's Boy Scout troop from school did an end of year cook out for their Moms yesterday. It was an early day, so they were out of school at 12:30. They made invitations for the Moms to have them come at 1:30 for lunch. They made us hot dogs and had fruit, carrots, chips and lemonade for us. They even did a dessert. The boys decorated the tables, sang us a very cute song they made up and gave each Mom a picture of their son in a frame they made. The boys were so excited about it and so very cute. They called us to lunch, held out our chairs and served us. Here are the tables they decorated.

The boy turning the hot dogs. All of the boys took a turn "grilling" for us Moms. They were so proud to serve us all. They wouldn't let us get up and do anything. They poured our drinks, made our plates, got us dessert and cleaned up afterwards. It was the best!

The boys enjoying chocolate fondue with marshmallows and strawberries.

The boy playing Marco Polo...I am glad to see they all still know one of my childhood favorites.

The boys having a water gun/pool noodle fight.

It was a very fun and special day! The boys were all so good.